South Turns Green…

Wednesday, 29 October 2003 12:00 AM

South Melbourne Soccer Club is hoping to capitalise on the influx of the Irish this Sunday when it takes on Sydney side Marconi at Bob Jane Stadium, Albert Park at 7.30pm.

Today at the Celtic Club the club announced a number of special offers for the Irish supporters of the Gaelic AFL hybrid code and the Irish Rugby World Cup supporters including free ticket offers to the big soccer game on Sunday evening.

The club has made available free entry tickets to several of Melbourne’s Irish pubs and back packer residences.

In addition, anyone who produces their tickets from either the International Series game, the VRC Derby or the Australia v Ireland Rugby World Cup will receive half price entry to the big game at Bob Jane Stadium at 7.30pm.

Club Chief executive Mark Patterson said “ We want to embrace this weekends celebration of sport by attracting as many sports mad fans of all codes to Sunday evening’s soccer match, as it is an ideal way to conclude a sports mad weekend”

“We want the visitors to get their fix of the world game while they are in Melbourne and our encouragement of their attendance has the objective of exposing them to the game of soccer here in Australia and hopefully join in the party atmosphere of Soccer at South Melbourne” he said.

Patterson is excited about the game and went on to say “Sunday night’s match promises to be great game with 3rd placed Marconi taking on 5th Palace South Melbourne”

For those who are unable obtain a free pass from one of the participating pubs or backpacker’s hostels, tickets will be available at the gate or buy them online!

Adults $15.00
Concession $10.00
Children 12-17 yrs $5.00
Children Under 12 FREE

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