Friday, 14 November 2003 12:00 AM
Members are advised that the Annual General Meeting of the South Melbourne Soccer Club Ltd will be held on Sunday 7th December 2003 in the Function Room of the Albert by the Lake Reception Centre, Bob Jane Stadium, 25 Albert Road Drive, Albert Park, commencing at 3:30pm.
The agenda shall include the following:
1. Confirmation of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
2. Finance Report and presentation of Audited accounts for the club.
a. This shall include consideration of the financial statements for the 12 months to the 30th June 2003. The detailed financials will be available for review on the day of the meeting or by appointment prior to the meeting.
3. Marketing Report
4. President’s Report
5. Election of Committee
6. Other Business
The meeting shall commence at 3:30pm sharp.
For all enquiries, please phone the club on 9645 9797.