South Melbourne FC

The Blue and White Forever

2010 SMFC Corporate Challenge Cup

2010 SMFC Corporate Challenge Cup

Friday, 22 January 2010 2:41 PM

Friends will become foes as the 2010 SMFC Corporate Challenge Cup is held on Saturday 6th February at Bob Jane Stadium. In 2009 Coffex Coffee was too good and too strong, clinching the inaugural tournament.

The SMFC Corporate Challenge Cup is a five a side tournament, however, it is recommended that two substitutes be utilised as well. Teams will be divided into groups, which will be determined by the number of competing teams. So far, 12 teams have registered, and spots are limited. Don’t miss out on your chance to play on the hallowed turf of Bob Jane Stadium.

The registration fee is $700 per team, with food and drinks to be provided as part of the registration fee.

If all available spots are filled, a waiting list will be created in case of any last minute cancellations.

Please contact Nicki at the SMFC Office on 9645 9797.

Click here to download the brochure and registration form.

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