SMFC Stars Bring Joy to Kids with Cancer

Friday, 17 February 2012 8:59 AM


South Melbourne FC was delighted to host the soccer clinics of the Challenge Soccer Cup in Albert Park .

The camp is designed to give kids with cancer and their brothers and sisters an opportunity to have some time-out from cancer treatment and the rigours of hospital visits through participation in a range of sports activities and workshops.

South Melbourne FC was more than happy to support this charitable cause and play a major role in trying to put a smile on the faces of these brave children.

Players that represented South on the day included Fernando De Moraes, Glen Trifiro, Jason Trifiro, Luke Byles, and Joe Keenan, as well as Team Manager Frank Piccione. Throughout the day, South’s players conducted multiple clinics, teaching the kids a number of training and warm up drills, ball skills training, as well as playing a series of mini games, which lifted the spirits of the kids and players alike.

Nicholas Szkilnik, SMFC representative who coordinated the organisation of the soccer clinic, spoke with, and commented on the event that “it was great chatting with the kids and they enjoyed telling us stories of other sports and camps Challenge were doing. The kids had a fantastic time on the pitch showing that football has no boundaries and anyone can play, while the SMFC players had a great time entertaining them. Seeing the smiles on their faces despite the difficulties and hurdles they face in dealing with cancer, made it all worthwhile”.

South Melbourne FC is proud to support this wonderful cause and urges all fans to check out the Challenge website ( to learn more about what can be done to support these inspirational kids.

Click here to view the Photo Gallery from the day

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