Tuesday, 1 May 2012 10:46 AM
Picture: New South Melbourne FC signing Jason Saldaris, with the owner of Beachcomber Steve Paraskevas.
Click here to view photos of the night
Last Friday night saw South Melbourne FC hold its annual fundraising event, 2012 Player Auction Night at Beachcomber at the St Kilda Baths, which provided guests with picturesque views over Port Philip Bay in an intimate and cosy affair with over 150 guests in attendance.
There were a number of dignitaries and past players in attendance including Hall of Fame members Jimmy Armstrong, Ulysses Kokkinos, Michael Mandalis, and Con Boutsianis, while past Presidents George Donikian and Peter Mitrakas present as well.
The MC for the evening was Board Member, George Triantos, who welcomed the guests to the event, and opened his address by highlighting a number of achievements the Club had recorded through the newly refurbished Lakeside Stadium, significant increase in its membership and corporate base, and the successful inroads the multimedia team had made through SMFC TV and online social media.
Club President Leo Athanasakis also welcomed the guests and thanked the Principal Partners for their continued support, and invited everyone to get behind and support the Club in the new era.
South Melbourne honoured two long serving servants of the Club, Dr James Nicola and Dr Harry Sklavounos, who have been members of the medical staff at South Melbourne since its return to the Victorian Premier League in 2005. They were recognised for their have tireless work over the years in assisting and treating the playing squad to overcome injuries and ensuring they receive the best care to expedite their return to the field.
One of the highlights of the event was the Football Panel Discussion, with SMFC Captain Steven O’Dor, Head Coach Peter Tsolakis, and Hall of Fame member Con Boutsianis. Both O’Dor and Tsolakis discussed and reviewed the team’s performance through the early part of the season, and shared insights into how the playing squad had prepared for the 2012 season. The second part of the panel discussion turned to both Tsolakis’ and Boutsianis’ experiences at the Club during the Middle Park days, and both shared light-hearted and amusing stories from their playing days which had the guests in fits of laughter.
The main purpose of the event was a fundraising theme, with two football experiences and player auctions were held. The auctioneer, George Metax from Barry Plant Preston took over and sought to secure the highest bid for each player. The event raised a considerable sum of money for the Club.
South Melbourne would particularly like to thank Steve and Jim Paraskevas, and Neil Stacey from Beachcomber for their tremendous and warm hospitality in assisting the Club to hold a successful event. Furthermore, the Club would like to thank its corporate partners who contributed to the fundraising activities on the night, and all guests who were in attendance.
The following corporate partners were successful in the auction are as follows:
Peter Gavalas – The Money Coaches
Tom Matthews – Primary School Wear
Rhodri Payne – Tom Kalas
Steven O’Dor – Star 21
Dimitri Tsiaris – GPZ Legal
Joe Keenan – Star 21
Dimitri Hatzimouratis – Blue Thunder Security
Trent Rixon – K & A Accountants
Glen Trifiro – Global Gypsum
Brad Norton – AIS Insurance Brokers
Luke Byles – Zante Transport
Fernando De Moraes – Bill Papastergiadis
Marinos Gasparis – The Money Coaches
Gianni De Nittis – Blue Thunder Security
Jason Saldaris – Beachcomber Cafe
Jason Trifiro – Snowy Creek Produce & Scope Protective Security
Kyle Joryeff – Dandanis & Assoicates
Christian Skok, Matko Budimir & Nick Jacobs – MW Planning
Peter Tsolakis and Joe Montemurro – Star 21 and Mirabella
Jimmy Armstrong, Michael Mandalis and Ulysses Kokkinos – Beachcomber Cafe