Holmesglen TAFE joins South as its new Principal Partner

Wednesday, 3 April 2013 10:41 PM

South Melbourne FC is delighted to announce that Holmesglen TAFE will be a new Principal Partner for the 2013 Victorian Premier League season, with its logo proudly adorning the left sleeve of the playing shirt.

Holmesglen remains a leader in vocational and higher education, and one of the largest providers of TAFE in Victoria. Since 1982, Holmesglen has grown from a delivery of 90 programs to 7,000 students, to a unique multi sectoral provider offering over 600 programs to more than 50,000 students. Holmesglen delivers internationally and nationally across four major campuses: Chadstone, City, Moorabbin and Waverley.

Holmesglen’s programs are highly regarded within industry and include:

– degree and graduate certificate courses
– apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships in engineering, hospitality, horticulture, furnishing and building and construction trades
– over 200 nationally endorsed certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas
– pathways to Holmesglen degrees or other higher education streams
– adult short courses
– bridging and preparatory courses and adult VCE
– language programs
– trade accreditation and testing
– corporate and industry programs.

Holmesglen works closely with many organisations, whose involvement assists with the provision of industry relevant training and education programs. A few of these organisations include: Fuji Xerox (Aust) Pty Ltd, Cisco Systems, Austral Bricks, and the Environment Protection Authority of Victoria.

Speaking to smfc.com.au, SMFC General Manager Peter Kokotis said “we are quite excited to welcome Holmesglen TAFE as the club’s latest Principal Partner. We look forward to working closely with Holmesglen TAFE where both organisations can unlock maximum value from the partnership”.

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