Media Release: National Premier League

Monday, 29 July 2013 2:08 PM

Following the Club’s Press Release on 4 July 2013 advising of the Club’s concerns with the proposed model to implement the National Competition Review (NCR) recommendations, the Club now announces that it has withdrawn from the FFV process to implement its proposed model.

Together with numerous other clubs which had submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI), a joint statement to the FFV has been sent earlier today by which all the signatory clubs informed the FFV and FFA of their formal withdrawal from the process.

The seventeen signatory clubs to the joint statement are supported, in their joint statement, by eight clubs which have previously publicly announced that they would not submit an EOI and criticising the FFV’s model for the NPLV. In addition, three other clubs or entities which had previously submitted an EOI have now informed the FFV directly that they have withdrawn from the application process. More clubs are expected to make a statement over the coming days announcing their withdrawal.

South Melbourne FC is concerned about a number of key failings of the FFV’s proposed model to implement key elements of the NCR, including:

  • Its failure to achieve the critical aim of the NCR to rebrand the premier league in each State under the single banner (NPL).
  • Its failure to improve the financial and commercial position of State leagues and clubs or intended by the NCR and instead, proposing a model which will critically damage the financial and commercial position of our State league and the clubs, including our Club, rendering the FFV model financially unviable.
  • Its failure to achieve the critical NCR aim of consistency across all States with the proposed Victorian model critically weakening many clubs, including ours.

South Melbourne FC has repeatedly detailed its concerns to FFV and is very disappointed with FFV’s approach. Along with other clubs and organisations, including Parks and Leisure Australia (PLS) which is the national peak organisation representing professionals working in the sporting, recreation and park sectors, South Melbourne FC considers FFV’s so called ‘consultation process’ to have been no more than an information giving exercise. FFV has neither addressed nor incorporated the key concerns of clubs, including ours, in its proposed model.

As the introduction of the National Premier Leagues through the NCR process was an FFA initiative, South Melbourne FC now expects FFA will take an active role in ensuring that FFV properly implements its model in Victoria.

Our Club is mindful that the present FFV model does not adequately meet the legal obligations of FFA and FFV to implement the recommendations of the NCR. Whilst South Melbourne FC is mindful that legal action is appropriate only as a last resort, it wishes to assure its members and supporters that it will take the necessary steps to protect the interests of the Club and is now actively exploring its legal avenues to ensure that it is not unfairly and wrongly disadvantaged by the introduction of a flawed NPLV.

South Melbourne FC remains confident that the FFV will make the necessary changes to its model to ensure the proper implementation of the NCR recommendations resulting in a strong rebranded premier league in Victoria as part of the nationwide NPL. South Melbourne FC continues to support the principles of the NCR recommendations.

All enquiries to Tom Kalas on 0419 996 645 or

Nick Galatas
South Melbourne Football Club

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