RE: Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of South Melbourne Football Club Ltd will be held as follows:
Wednesday 23rd of March 2016
Presidents Room
Lakeside Stadium
25 Albert Road Drive
Albert Park VIC 3206
9.00 pm
It is intended to propose two Special Resolutions at the AGM providing for the amendment of the South Melbourne Football Club Ltd Constitution. Pursuant to Section 249L(1)(c) of the Corporations Act 2001, Notice is hereby given that three Special Resolutions will be proposed. The Special Resolutions are as follows:
Special Resolutions:
A. That Clause 1.1(a) of the Constitution be amended so that the full stop after the last word being “club” be removed and the following words added:
“which, among others, specifically include the fostering and advancement of men’s, women’s, boys’ and girls’ football equally.”
B. That Clause 9.1A be inserted after Clause 9.1 and before Clause 9.2 of the Constitution and shall read as follows:
“That the Board of Directors shall include at least one female director at all times
C. Add Subclause 1.1(k) which shall read as follows:
“to promote the involvement of men, women, boys and girls in all functions and facets of the club equally and with a view to the club being represented and governed equally by men and women and to create and maintain an environment in which men, women, boys and girls will all thrive.”
The agenda shall be as follows:
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting;
2. Finance Report and presentation of Audited Accounts of the Club;
3. Appointment of Auditors and determination of their remuneration;
4. Consider and vote upon the three proposed Special Resolutions
5. Any other business of which due notice shall have been given.
Explanatory Note relating to the proposed Special Resolution:
The proposed Special Resolutions are required to give effect to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) entered into by South Melbourne Football Club Ltd (SMFC) and South Melbourne Women’s Football Club (SMWFC), which, in turn, led to the one-club policy, which has been adopted by SMFC.
SMWFC has passed the necessary Special Resolution to give effect to the MOU and it has embraced the one-club policy.
The MOU provides that SMFC will operate all women’s and girls’ teams which were previously operated by SMWFC as it is able to do under FFV governing rules. Presently, SMWFC is not a member of WNPL, and neither SMFC nor SMWFC have any female teams playing in the WNPL and accordingly, SMFC is free to field all women’s and girls’ teams previously operated by SMWFC. It is anticipated that SMFC will also join the WNPL in the near future and as such, it will be fielding women’s and girls’ teams in the WNPL.
The WNPL, like the NPL, limits the number of teams which can be fielded by a club. It has been agreed by SMFC and SMWFC that if women and girls are fielded in the WNPL, such remaining women’s and girls’ teams (“Community Teams”) will be fielded and operated by SMWFC and SMFC will ensure that SMWFC has access to all facilities to which it has previously had access to ensure it is able to properly operate those teams.
The joining together again of our club so that it again fields men’s, women’s, boys’ and girls’ teams under the one club banner has been welcomed universally and the club seeks that the Special Resolutions be adopted to give full effect to these positive changes.
If you seek a copy of the 2015 Audited Financial Accounts prior to the Annual General Meeting, you can download a copy from our website or email the club at or contact the club on (03) 9645 9797 and ask for a copy to be posted out to you.
Kind Regards
Leo Athanasakis