NPL Scores (March 03-04)

Julia Nicolaci and Sofia Sakalis celebrate as South level 2-2 on Sunday against Box Hill. (PHOTO: Cindy Nitsos)


 Level Rd Opposition Venue Result SMFC Goal Scorers


02 Dandenong Thunder George Andrews 9-0 Lujic (x3), Brennan (x2), Epifano (x2),
Minopoulos, Foschini

Under 20s

02 Dandenong Thunder George Andrews 2-1 Meaker, Barforosh

Under 18s

02 Eastern Lions Gardiners Creek 2-1 Gregory, Kolaj

Under 16s

02 Eastern Lions Gardiners Creek 11-0

Maramis (x3), Chong (x2), K Abdou (x2),
Baker, Giannakarios, Lekatsas, Panakos

Under 15s

02 Eastern Lions Gardiners Creek 2-0

Whickman, D Abdou

Under 14s

02 Eastern Lions Gardiners Creek 0-1

Under 13s

02 Eastern Lions Gardiners Creek 3-0 Dovison (x2), Kritikos



Level Rd Opposition Venue Result SMFC Goal Scorers


02 Box Hill United Wembley Park 3-2 Sakalis, Nicolaci, Ayres

Under 19s

02 Box Hill United Wembley Park 5-1 Anvari (x3), Paracki, Vlahopoulos

Under 16s

02 Box Hill United Wembley Park 2-0 Hussein-Blanco, Moseshvili

Under 14s

02 Box Hill United Wembley Park 6-0 Demaria (x3), Marsh (x2), Diliberto
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