Today Bill Anton will be laid to rest following his passing last week. Bill has been a tremendous advocate and devotee of South Melbourne FC for a very long time.
Professionally, Bill graduated from Monash Univesrity and dedicated his career to managing and researching pathology and age diagnostics. He contributed significantly to the field of anti-ageing medicine across the globe being a foundation board member at the Bristing Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine, a board member of the International Society of Endocrinology and at home in Melbourne sharing his knowledge and expertise with others as a Senior Lecturer at the Swinburne University Graduate School of Medicine.
In the corporate world, Bill had success establishing and managing medical pathology and diagnostic businesses. It is through these that many South supporters became aware of Bill’s work as a major sponsor of the club. General Diagnostic Laboratories and GDL Pathology graced the front of the jersey with some of the club’s greatest players having worn the logo.
In addition to being a major sponsor, Bill was an active supporter of the club and a significant part of the South Mebourne FC family.
Bill embraced every facet of the club and embodied the notion “We are South Melbourne”. The club, supporters and players will hold a minutes silence for Bill at our first home game at Lakeside Stadium this Sunday afternoon.