South Board elects new President & Vice President

South Board elects new President & Vice President

South Board elects new President & Vice President

South Melbourne FC is proud to announce its Board has unanimously endorsed Nicholas Maikousis (President) and Gabrielle Giuliano (Vice President) to serve as leaders of the club.

The club has experienced stable administration over the past decade under Leo Athanasakis. Leo having announced his retirement as President, together with other changes being made means the Club will enter 2019 and its 60th Anniversary year with a new leadership team.

South members, players, parents and supporters will be familiar with both Nicholas and Gabrielle as they have both been involved in football and the club extensively over the years. They have committed to building on the proud history and strong foundation of the club and will bring a renewed focus on club culture, accountability and sound business acumen to drive the club in a new strategic direction.

The Board has formally appointed Nicholas Maikousis to the position of President and Gabrielle Giuliano to the position of Vice President at the last Board meeting.

Talking to, Nicholas Maikousis said “This club has a rich history and I am proud to have the opportunity to serve as President. Four generations of my family have followed the club and I vividly remember when I first became involved in the club all those years ago. Over time I have seen how the culture and engagement of the players, coaches, staff, members and supporters has always been a critical component of its success. As we enter our 60th year, it is important to acknowledge the challenges we have faced, the opportunities we have been presented with and the success we have all enjoyed together.”

“I have confidence together with Gabrielle, existing and new board members, the club can embrace the necessary steps we need to take to establish a solid footing upon which we can launch our next successful football campaign. It is our responsibility to represent and act on behalf of the members to continually build and improve our business, whilst protecting the interests and assets of the Club” he said.

Gabrielle Giuliano also shared her thoughts on the future saying “South Melbourne is about to celebrate its 60th year and I am excited at the opportunity to be a part of the leadership team as we start to write the next chapter in the Clubs proud history. My vision has always been for our members to achieve and continuously experience excellence and enjoyment in their football journey. This applies equally to our players, parents, members and supporters. We are all involved in the club in different ways and we share a common bond, passion and commitment that comes with being a part of the South Melbourne family”.

“The club is experiencing a period of change and this provides the opportunity to reflect on the past but also reset for the future. It is an encouraging time for everyone to reconnect with the club and reinvigorate the culture that has and continues to bring us success both on and off the field” she said.

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for late 2018 with the details to soon be announced.

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