Annual General Meeting : South Melbourne Hellas Limited
It is advised that the Annual General Meeting of South Melbourne Hellas Ltd will be held as follows:
Date: Thursday 31st of January 2019
Location: 1959 Bar And Grill, Lakeside Stadium, 25 Albert Road Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206
Time: 6.00 pm
The agenda shall include the following:
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting;
2. Finance Report and presentation of Audited Accounts of the Club;
3. Presidents Report;
4. Appointment of Auditors and determination of their remuneration;
5. Any other business of which due notice shall have been given;
A printed and Electronic copy of the Annual Report including the 2018 Audited Financial Accounts will be made available 7 Days prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting were you will be able to either download it from our website or email the club at and have a copy to be posted out to you.
Kind Regards
Mario Vinaccia
Annual General Meeting : South Melbourne Football Club Limited
It is advised that the Annual General Meeting of South Melbourne Football Club Ltd will be held as follows:
Date: Thursday 31st of January 2019
Location: 1959 Bar And Grill, Lakeside Stadium, 25 Albert Road Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206
Time: 8.00 pm
The agenda shall include the following:
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting;
2. Finance Report and presentation of Audited Accounts of the Club;
3. Presidents Report;
4. Appointment of Auditors and determination of their remuneration;
5. Any other business of which due notice shall have been given;
A printed and Electronic copy of the Annual Report including the 2018 Audited Financial Accounts will be made available 7 Days prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting were you will be able to either download it from our website or email the club at and have a copy to be posted out to you.
Kind Regards
Mario Vinaccia