South players join Asia-Oceania Blind Football Cup South Melbourne FC footballers have arrived in India to join the Australian national team, the Bilbies, in the 2022 IBSA Asia-Oceania Blind Football Championships. The South Melbourne squad trains fortnightly between April and October and attend three National Training Camps each year. They compete in the National Blind...
South lift trophy in National Blind Football Series
South lift trophy in National Blind Football Series Photos: Luke Radziminski Behind The Lens – LMR Our blind team today were crowned Australian Champions in the National Blind Football Series. The team drew 1-1 with Olympic FC from Brisbane. We conceded early to a penalty, but the squad fought back and in the second half...
South down Olympic in inaugural National Blind Football Series
The blind football team at the South Melbourne Football Club put in a dominating performance to defeat Brisbane Olympic FC 2-0 at The Hangar. The National Blind Football Series kicked off in Melbourne this weekend marking the first ever competitive blind football match in Australia. South Melbourne’s Brendan Spencer was aggressive in the attacking half...
Blind football ready for kick off in 2022
Blind and vision impaired footballers will return to the pitch in late April for their 2022 campaign. The South Melbourne FC Blind Football Team trains on a regular basis to prepare players for National Team Training Camps and for the future introduction of a competitive league. The squad trains under a qualified Blind Football coach...
South powerchair team to compete in Australian Club Championship
The South Melbourne FC Powerchair team will travel to Sydney in late April to compete in the 2022 APFA Australian Club Championship. This will be the third time the club has competed at the national level since being formed in 2018. The team will feature club President Craig Kilby and be lead by Captain Shaun...
South Melbourne leading the way developing blind footballers
South Melbourne leading the way developing blind footballers The journey to the Paris 2024 Paralympics kicked off last weekend for blind footballers in Australia with the launch of the National Para 5s Series. The partnership between Australian Blind Football and Paralympics Australia will bring together the best blind footballers from around the country four times a...
Blind and Vision Impaired Football kicks off for 2021
Blind and vision impaired football kicked off at South Melbourne for 2021 on the weekend. Tuesday 30 March 2021 In partnership with Australian Blind Football, the club hosted a coaches training session. The aim was to equip coaches and volunteers with the skills to understand the game and how to adapt to effectively communicate with...
South Melbourne launches Blind Football team
South Melbourne launches Blind Football team As part of today’s celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, South Melbourne FC is proud to launch an ambitious partnership with Australian Blind Football. There are two versions of the game of blind football. Blind football (B1 or 5 a side football) is played by athletes who...
SMFC launches Powerchair Football team
South Melbourne FC is proud to announce the establishment of a powerchair football team and the creation of the South Melbourne Powerchair Football Club. Powerchair football is an all-abilities sport for those who require an electric wheelchair as their primary means of mobility. This involves those affected by Muscular Dystropy and Cerebral Palsy, but may...